mercredi 12 août 2009

Vlad Ţepeş?

Le 12 août 2009

Mercredi. C’est entendu, qu’aujourd’hui j’ai passé à la pharmacie résoudre mes affaires d’hier et en plus j’ai eu une longue conversation avec la petite Amalia, qui voulait que je lui raconte l’Histoire de Vlad Ţepeş, dont nous avons encore parlé un de ces jours quand elle est venue en visite avec sa maman.

Vraiment, j’ai au Point d’information quelques objets en céramique ou en bois avec la figure du légendaire prince de notre histoire plus connu sous son surnom de Dracula, dont Amalia, une grande curieuse, m’avait posé mille et une questions des plus drôles.

Se înţelege că am fost pe la farmacie şi mi-am rezolvat treburile de ieri, dar am avut de asemenea o lungă conversaţie cu Amalia, care voia să-i spun povestea cu Vlad Ţepeş, despre care m-a mai întrebat cînd a fost în vizită cu mama ei.

Într-adevăr, am la punctul de informaţii nişte aplice din ceramică precum şi nişte sculpturi în lemn cu acest personaj din istoria noastră, cunoscut şi sub numele de Dracula, iar Amalia este o mare curioasă care pune o mulţime de întrebări care mai de care mai năstruşnice.

1 commentaire:

  1. I imagine you know the story of Vlad Tepes but I can give you some info from my boyfriend who likes history more than me.The idea that Tepes was Dracula is false.Actually,Vlad Dracul is the father of Tepes.They say he was a vampire and that he used to have baths in the blood from killed children so that he kept being always young.Of course this part cannot be told to kids.Also,during the time Tepes ruled nobody stole anything because people had a great fear of him,they could let outside golden objects without beeing stolen.Can you imagine this nowadays??!When Tepes was in danger he came in Sighisoara in the fortress because his father lived in the town.Recently I read Dracula By Bram Stoker which explains the story of Tepes's father.Of course,some people believe Dracula lived in Bran castle but most of the things known about Dracula or Tepes are pure legends.



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